How many 18 years old in the UK?

There are 717,252 people aged 18 years old in the UK.

18 year olds in UK

According to the 2020 estimate (published in June 2021) there are 717,252 people aged 18 years old in England and Wales: 369,604 men and 347,648 women.

18 year olds in England and Wales

According to the 2020 estimate (published in June 2021) there are 640,353 people aged 18 years old in England and Wales: 330,311 men and 310,042 women.

Source: ONS

Number of 18 year old men and women in UK

Regional breakdown of number of 18 year olds


Scotland has 26,690 people aged 18 years old: 27,873 male and 26,690 female. 


England has 606,611 people aged 18 years old: 312,761 male and 293,850 female. 


Wales has 33,742 people aged 18 years old: 17,550 male and 16,192 female. 

Migration and 18 year olds

The chart below shows the number of 18 year olds who have moved to England and Wales from abroad. There is a marked dip in 2017 - 1 year after the Brexit vote.